Managing 3 Categories of ADHD Behavior
Managing behaviors of students with ADHD is no easy task. The first step is to divide potential problems in 3 categories.
a. behavior that can be ignored
b. Non-disruptive but inattentive behavior
c. disruptive misbehavior
1. Behavior That Can Be Ignored
Don't expect a child with ADHD to sit still. Provide options such as flexible seating, kneeling in chair, reading on the floor. Allow the child to use a "legal figit toys" such as pipecleaners. Allow for frequent brain breaks in your daily schedule.
2. Non-Disruptive but Inattentive
If you are not sure if the child is paying attention ask them a question or to repeat directions back to you.
Use a secret signal. One that is agreed upon by the child and teacher only. This will allow engagement in a mutual problem solving game. If the child is daydreaming a secret signal could be as simple as a tug on your ear, tap on your elbow, etc.
3. Disruptive Behavior
Time Out. Disruptive behavior interferes with the work of other students. Try a brief time out in a predetermined area of the room such as a calm down or reflection corner.
Time Away. Student spends time in a buddy teacher's classroom. During this time the student may complete a quiet reflection activity.
Response Cost Consequence. The student loses tokens or point that are being accumulated to "purchase" or earn special privileges or rewards.
Avoid excess talking or lecturing and remain as calm as possible.
Legitimate Movement. Allow the child brief periods of movement. Ex: bathroom breaks, sharpening pencils, stretching, errands, doing classroom chores, standing workstation, rocking chair, bean bags
Desk placement. Place student in front of the classroom close to the teacher to monitor progress, provide appropriate reinforcement, minimize distractions (visual & auditory)