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Managing 3 Categories of ADHD Behavior

Managing behaviors of students with ADHD is no easy task. The first step is to divide potential problems in 3 categories.

a. behavior that can be ignored

b. Non-disruptive but inattentive behavior

c. disruptive misbehavior


1. Behavior That Can Be Ignored

  • Don't expect a child with ADHD to sit still. Provide options such as flexible seating, kneeling in chair, reading on the floor. Allow the child to use a "legal figit toys" such as pipecleaners. Allow for frequent brain breaks in your daily schedule.

2. Non-Disruptive but Inattentive

  • If you are not sure if the child is paying attention ask them a question or to repeat directions back to you.

  • Use a secret signal. One that is agreed upon by the child and teacher only. This will allow engagement in a mutual problem solving game. If the child is daydreaming a secret signal could be as simple as a tug on your ear, tap on your elbow, etc.

3. Disruptive Behavior

  • Time Out. Disruptive behavior interferes with the work of other students. Try a brief time out in a predetermined area of the room such as a calm down or reflection corner.

  • Time Away. Student spends time in a buddy teacher's classroom. During this time the student may complete a quiet reflection activity.

  • Response Cost Consequence. The student loses tokens or point that are being accumulated to "purchase" or earn special privileges or rewards.

  • Avoid excess talking or lecturing and remain as calm as possible.

  • Legitimate Movement. Allow the child brief periods of movement. Ex: bathroom breaks, sharpening pencils, stretching, errands, doing classroom chores, standing workstation, rocking chair, bean bags

  • Desk placement. Place student in front of the classroom close to the teacher to monitor progress, provide appropriate reinforcement, minimize distractions (visual & auditory)

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